Expat Guide-Helpful Resources
Are you an expat or considering embarking on the adventure of becoming an expat? You need to take a look at this list of helpful tools and resources for expats and people looking to move abroad!
Expat Businesses Worth Following
Come see the diverse and exciting expat businesses featured in this post! These savvy expat business owners are offering a range of products and services to help expats and tourists alike. You are going to want to read this and follow along with these exciting businesses.
Expats to Follow on Instagram
Looking for expats to follow on Instagram? Take a look at this list of expats in over 40 countries around the world. Find someone to connect with or find some one for travel inspiration. Get a window into different places from the view of expats living there!
Tips for Flying Safely During the Pandemic
Flying during the COVID pandemic is something that can make even the most seasoned traveler a little nervous. We had to fly internationally with three kids in order to get back home. Here’s our experience, what we learned, and how we kept ourselves safe and how you can too if you find yourself having to travel during these times.
The Country, Not the State
We’re heading out for another expat adventure. Read a little bit about where we’re going and about our move so far!
Trailing Spouses: What Life Is Really Like
What is life like to live as a trailing spouse (or child)? The ups, downs, and everything in between as told by five women.